Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Blog Introduction (Dipping my toes before the splash)

Dare I say how elevating it is to break free of the norm and expectations.  The rush that comes with being governor of my life is exhilarating. Unrestricted by relationship constraints, employer obligations, even… dare I say friend and family clenches. I am experiencing one of the happiest moments in my life not only because I am pilot of my life, but I am doing what I love… writing. It doesn't come with a high salary and bonus, but the benefits… are most rewarding.
I am nearing the end of the road folks! As my eyelids sag with the weight of my struggle and persistence through the last few months, I can see the end is in sight. My love, my heart, my novel is almost completed. It has brought out some of the best and worst in me (I’m not scared to say it). It has summoned an evil naysayer and overly critical beast of the trenches, but through it all I persevered. As I tie up the loose ends and edit, revise, edit and revise until I hate the novel (because that’s how I know it’s perfect), I only hope that an agent can appreciate my work as well.
I have heard that acquiring an agent is nearly as hard as writing the book, but I’m optimistic.
This book is the beginning… no, literally… it’s Part I. {[LOL]}
Goodnight. I have writer’s constipation.

Brain Thought: We are our worst enemy. How many opportunities are missed because we're too afraid to let go? Sometimes we just have to believe that things will work themselves out all on their own. What happen to that little thing called faith?

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