Friday, February 22, 2013

Be prepared to be AMAZED!

If you haven't heard about this story... be prepared to be amazed... 

When I first read this article a week ago, it didn't surprise me. I read in a survey/article {(Can't remember)} that the people most likely to return something that's not theirs are the one's who have the least {(a polite way to say lower income people like myself)}. Which in my mind translates to it's the people who brag about what they have, who drive the nice luxury cars, who live in the gated communities are more likely to keep the $20 that fell out of the person's pocket waiting in front of them. 

How ironic, right?

It's those without who know the value of a dollar. They know how far it can go and the importance it can have in someone's life. Mind you... I'm talking about 4 quarters! If your mortgage is short one penny, it's late. They'll charge you $50 for one little penny. That should be a crime.

Gotta love those banks! {(FYI-I hate you Bank of America)}

Just last week, I was at the mall with my mama and a woman standing at a T-Mobile booth was stuffing bills in her pocket and some of her returned change happened to hit the floor. I could have walked by, but I didn't. I told her. Not only that, when I told her I had to persistently try to get her attention, even my mom chimed in. We were both like, "ma'am, ma'am, ma'am?!!?!? You dropped some of your money."

Now background on myself if you've read any of my three blogs (lol). I'm unemployed. I would never steal from anyone, regardless of if you make $5/month or $5,000,000/month. I'm not entitled to anything anyone else owns, no more than they're entitled to mine. I'm a believer of karma, I don't put out what I don't want in return. 

Moral of the story... if someone steps in an elevator with you who drives a BMW... grab your purse. {(LMAO)}...

A Flat Planet Thought: If given a choice.... would you prefer to be born into wealth? Or do you appreciate the struggle? Just wondering...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Speak to a stranger today... but please don't tell them you love them.... it might get strange.

Ever since I can remember I've always had a valentine. I fell into the trap, the crazy idea of celebrating love for someone on that one special day throughout the year. Truth be told, the love you have for anyone should be celebrated DAILY.... but I digress.

This year I celebrated my love for self. This was the first year I was officially alone, but felt more loved than any amount of chocolates, teddy bears, kisses or hugs [(I hate chocolate by the way)]. I lost my job last month and where most people would curse their lives and previous employer, I had never felt more relief and support in all my life. I have an awesome family for starters, an awesome mom, aunt and grandmother who have been my backbone since I ended my five year relationship and purchased my beautiful home. They’re strong women… I admire them so much!

Sorry, I got sidetracked again...

When I woke up on this past Love Day, I was elated... as I have been every morning since I've been unemployed. I received a text from my two aunts, friends, my mom and my father all wishing me Happy Valentine’s Day. I have more love than I know what to do with and I love it! But I must say, my most surprising moment.... when my smile took new form was on my way to class and I was wondering about my accounting exam, how the $6.00 parking I had just paid was coming out of grocery money, or all the many NEW things I have to think about... a stranger passed me by and said, "Hi beautiful, Happy Valentine’s Day."

I know it's corny, I feel silly even blogging it. But it's amazing to me how impacting words are. How they can change a person’s stream of thoughts, their mood... even transform a person completely. I'm not naive to think the guy really cared about how his words impacted me, I'm sure he was simply trying to get my number. Maybe I'm being overly critical and pessimistic... any who.... [(just saying)]. I think it was the fact that he was the first and last person to say it and he was a complete stranger. Sure, I received the texts and read the words out loud to myself, but hearing it is different. The words resonate differently when voiced. The power of words, the power of communication is amazing. Words hurt and words heal, how can such a small element carry so much weight?.... Odd to think that sometimes words from a stranger can have the greatest impact. 

A Flat Planet Thought: Is the celebration of Saint Valentine’s Day a celebration of Valentinus’s execution or the fact that he believed in love and performed weddings for people who were forbidden to marry. This has never been made clear to me….  Why are there so many legends around this date anyway?? 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Blog Introduction (Dipping my toes before the splash)

Dare I say how elevating it is to break free of the norm and expectations.  The rush that comes with being governor of my life is exhilarating. Unrestricted by relationship constraints, employer obligations, even… dare I say friend and family clenches. I am experiencing one of the happiest moments in my life not only because I am pilot of my life, but I am doing what I love… writing. It doesn't come with a high salary and bonus, but the benefits… are most rewarding.
I am nearing the end of the road folks! As my eyelids sag with the weight of my struggle and persistence through the last few months, I can see the end is in sight. My love, my heart, my novel is almost completed. It has brought out some of the best and worst in me (I’m not scared to say it). It has summoned an evil naysayer and overly critical beast of the trenches, but through it all I persevered. As I tie up the loose ends and edit, revise, edit and revise until I hate the novel (because that’s how I know it’s perfect), I only hope that an agent can appreciate my work as well.
I have heard that acquiring an agent is nearly as hard as writing the book, but I’m optimistic.
This book is the beginning… no, literally… it’s Part I. {[LOL]}
Goodnight. I have writer’s constipation.